Category: Automation

Test automation

Kafka Testing

In an earlier post we looked at Kafka and got hands on with creating topics, and producing and consuming messages. However, the basic tools are limited and only simple manual testing would be possible. Ideally we want to write automated tests, as these are repeatable and allow us to use…

Getting started with Cucumber

Following on from GWT syntax and BDD, this post investigates how a Cucumber test is structured, and starts to explore some of the features of Cucumber and Gherkin syntax (the keywords Cucumber uses to execute the tests) The anatomy of a Cucumber test Cucumber tests are a lot more complex…

API testing with REST Assured

As mentioned in Getting started with API’s, tools like Postman are useful for hands-on testing of API’s, but automated API testing is better performed in code and there are several frameworks available to support this, with Rest Assured being one of the most widely used. A test endpoint Obviously to…

Getting started with JUnit

JUnit is one of a family of unit testing frameworks collectively known as xUnit, and is the most commonly used test framework in the Java ecosystem. Similar unit testing frameworks are available for many other languages, and these unit test frameworks provide a convenient way to build unit, component, integration…

GWT syntax and BDD

Given Something needs testingWhen Someone suggests using BDD/Cucumber/SpecFlowThen Some other people get really vocal – why? The test community seems to have a love hate relationship with BDD, but what actually is it, and how can it be used effectively? In software engineering, behaviour-driven development (BDD) is an Agile software…