Category: Fundamentals

Testing fundamentals

A Testing Bookshelf

Over the last 8 months and countless video calls, eagle eyed colleagues (and viewers of news programmes) have been spying on other’s peoples carefully (or carelessly) curated bookshelves, so I thought I’d recommend some of the books I’ve found useful. Testing basics Foundations of software testing is a comprehensive guide…

Decision Tables & State Transitions

Continuing on from the previous post, some additional specification based test techniques. Decision tables testing Decision table testing can be applied to test the behaviour of logical conditions found within the specification. The decision table lists all possible inputs and all the corresponding outputs. Each column in the table corresponds…

Types of testing

As alluded to in “what is software testing”, there are many distinct types of testing. Using the agile testing quadrants diagram, we can visualise where and when these types of tests are applied: Q1 Unit tests cover the smallest ‘unit’ of software – individual methods or functions, and the development…